Friday, August 17, 2012


You know those people who are really good at picking out and giving just the right gift? I’m not one of them. But I’m quickly discovering that God is the ultimate gift-giver, the one that the pros learn from. I know he gives huge things, like love and grace, and the ability to live, but I also think He especially delights in the little accessories that He drops into our life to make us smile. And He knows just what to give each of us, because He knows us better than we know ourselves.
When Noah was most likely experiencing terrible seasonal depression after living stranded in a barn under stormy skies for week upon week, God gave him a splash of color in the sky and a green tree branch. God knew just what Adam longed for, and got to work making it out of his rib. Even though he had already provided bread from Heaven and water from a rock for the Israelites, God knew what meat-loving babies they were, and gave them quail. Jesus’ first miracle was not a life-or-death matter. He made wine so that everyone could party on through the night at his friend's  wedding. I’m not trying to make God look like Santa Claus or a vending machine. But I do think that we often don’t realize the little gifts in our lives, or don’t take time to thank the Giver for them.
I have constantly come upon these blessings large and small, obvious and concealed during my time here. This week, on a steamy, crowded bike-ride home from work, with thoughts whizzing through my mind like the vehicles whizzing around me, and fatigue creeping in like the sweat creeping down my back, I looked up just in time to see this little gift. It may be nothing compared to the miracles of a baby being born, or food falling from the sky, but it makes me smile every time I see it. Call me shallow. Call me crazy. To Kaka, I say, “Call me, maybe?” 
haha. It was just another opportunity to whisper "thanks" to the Giver of all good gifts, great and small, and continue home with a smile on my face. 

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